Mohammed Yunus

on: The Niqab Debate in Egypt: Divided Scholars, by Alfred Hackensberger

The following write up under Ch. 28.4 of a recent publication, 'Essential Message of Islam', described as an authenticated text by Sheikh Abou El Fadl, Prof. of Law, UCLA, is fully supportive of the ban on niqab: "The clear pronouncements of the verses 7:26 and 24:30 and the textual analysis of 24:31 as tabled above demonstrate that for any public appearance, the Qur'an asks, men and women to restrain their glances and cover their private parts (furujah). The Qur'an also takes account of a woman’s innate power to provoke the male sexual impulse by wearing revealing outfit. She is therefore asked to dress modestly, commensurate to the prevailing custom, and to bear herself in a non-provocative manner.

Wearing of any external head to toe veil, covering of head, and gender-based segregation are not specified." While I have nothing against niqab/hijab, so far as they are regarded as local fashion/ custom, but as far as the Qur'anic message is concerned, it does not impose any such restriction on women. The referred to work presents a textual analysis of the related Qur'anic verses to reach the foregoing conclusion. I suggest you get a copy of the book as it offers many eye opening / enlightening insights into the Qur'anic message.